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Men Without Women

Desilusão, em geral.

Adoro o Hemingway, mas a maioria destas histórias foi aborrecida. Destaco, pela positiva, Hills Like White Elephants e Ten Indians, mas a restante parte das histórias é medíocre.

“My heart’s broken,” he thought. “If I feel this way my heart must be broken.”
After a while he heard his father blow out the lamp and go into his own room. He heard a wind come up in the trees outside and felt it come in cool through the screen. He lay for a long time with his face in the pillow, and after a while he forgot to think about Prudence and finally he went to sleep. When he awoke in the night he heard the wind in the hemlock trees outside the cottage and the waves of the lake coming in on the shore, and he went back to sleep. In the morning there was a big wind blowing and the waves were running high up on the beach and he was awake a long time before he remembered that his heart was broken.


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